
Site Catalog Browser

VESPA Search

Test Catalog

Technical problems using this data source should be directed to: Chris Piker, Larry Brown .

Resticted data source. You will be asked to authenticate on download.

Example queries: Example 00  

Coordinate Options:

Time:   Minimum (UTC) Maximum (UTC) Resolution (s)

Additional Options:

das2 text - Convert stream to das2 text (utf-8) format

Extra Reader Parameters:

fan=FAN, where FAN is one of 090, 180, 270, spin_plane, or everything. The default FAN is "everything".
timeBinSeconds=WIDTH, where WIDTH is a time in seconds. The default is 30.
outputType=TYPE, where TYPE is one of counts, counts_per_sec or flux. The default is flux

Output will be application/vnd.das2.das2stream unless changed via format options

Catalog Path: tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/juno/jed/protonspectra/das2  
Read From:   https://das2.org/catalog/das/site/uiowa/juno/jed/protonspectra/das2.json
Permanent IDs:   tag:physics.uiowa.edu,2018:das.juno.jed.protonspectra.das2