
Site Catalog Browser

VESPA Search

Test Catalog

Technical problems using this data source should be directed to: Larry Granroth .

Example queries: Latest Data   Jupiter Encounter   Saturn Encounter   Uranus Encounter   Neptune Encounter  

Coordinate Options:

Time:   Minimum (UTC) Maximum (UTC) Resolution (s)

  Output - Spacecraft Clock

Data Options:

E Field:  

Additional Options:

Spectrum analyzer channel to output

das2 text - Convert stream to das2 text (utf-8) format

Negative - Negative values are used as a noise flag. Use this option to keep them.

Noise - Turn off 17-time-point noise burst filter

Pls - Turn off PLS noise filter for the 311 Hz and 562 Hz bands.

Threshold - Filter out values above the data number thresholds given in HOUR[1/2]/FILTER.CSV

Output will be application/vnd.das2.das2stream unless changed via format options

Catalog Path: tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/voyager/2/pws/specanalyzer-4s-efield/das2  
Read From:   https://das2.org/catalog/das/site/uiowa/voyager/2/pws/specanalyzer-4s-efield/das2.json
Permanent IDs:   tag:physics.uiowa.edu,2018:das.voyager.2.pws.specanalyzer-4s-efield.das2