Raw instrument values, mostly from Level 2 data
- BasicRates - Uncalibrated basic detection rates from the JEDI-090, JEDI-180 and JEDI-270 instruments
Catalog Path: tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated
Read From: https://das2.org/catalog/das/site/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated.json
import json import das2 node = das2.get_node("site:/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated") # Pretty print node content s = json.dumps(node.props, ensure_ascii=False, indent=" ", sort_keys=True) print(s) # List and access sub-nodes node.keys() subnode = node['basicrates']
#include <stdio.h> #include <das2/core.h> DasNode* pRoot = new_RootNode(NULL, NULL, NULL); DasNode* pNode = DasNode_subNode(pRoot, "tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated", NULL, NULL); DasJdo* pJdo = DasNode_getJdo(pNode, NULL); size_t uLen; const char* sOut = DasJdo_writePretty(pJdo, " ", "\n", &uLen); fputs(sOut, stdout);