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Test Catalog

Collection: Uncalibrated basic detection rates from the JEDI-090, JEDI-180 and JEDI-270 instruments

Questions about the nature and usefulness of this data set should be directed to: Chris Paranicas .

Coordinates for these data include:

Time from 2013-279 to now

Data items in this collection include:

Events (on) - Average event rate for the Ions in the specified Energy Band and Sensor Set
Scet (on) - Spacecraft event time

Access via Das2/2.2 Source

View this source only

Technical problems using this data source should be directed to: Chris Piker, George Clark .

Example queries: Example 00  

Coordinate Options:

Time:   Minimum (UTC) Maximum (UTC) Resolution (s)

Additional Options:

das2 text - Convert stream to das2 text (utf-8) format

Extra Reader Parameters:

time.min | Minimum Time | required | time | %validRange | 2015-12-30 | UTC
time.max | Maximum Time | required | time | %validRange | 2016-01-02 | UTC
time.res | Relsolution | optional | real | | intrinsic | s
energy_band | Energy Band | optional | enum | 10 to 50 keV, > 50 keV | > 50 KeV
sensor_set | Sensor Set | optional | enum | 90, 270, 180, spin-plane, all-sky | spin-plane
bin_width | Bin Width | optional | real | | 600 | s
bin_shift | Bin Shift | optional | real | | 60 | s

Output will be application/vnd.das2.das2stream unless changed via format options

Catalog Path: tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated/basicrates/das2  
Read From:   https://das2.org/catalog/das/site/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated/basicrates/das2.json
Permanent IDs:   tag:physics.uiowa.edu,2018:das.juno.jed.uncalibrated.basicrates.das2

Catalog Path: tag:das2.org,2012:site:/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated/basicrates  
Read From: https://das2.org/catalog/das/site/uiowa/juno/jed/uncalibrated/basicrates.json